
Local Event Sports Association

Trash to Treasure, Peach Basket to NBA Basketball

By Damali Binta Yael On August - 4 - 2009

Prelude—Measuring the Volume of a Basketball

You’ve heard the old saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Did I get it right?

Well, if peach baskets were left behind in the trash in the late 19th century, then one man picked up two of them, nailed them to a wall, and that’s the beginning of the game where players toss the ball in a basket (peach basket in 1891).

Dr. James Naismith was the man’s name. He did not patent his idea. He made no money for his clever invention.

What he did, however, was created one of the most popular sports games in modern history.

During the summer, I have had some very bright students who needed to see simple applications of math in the real world. What better examples are...

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