
Local Event Sports Association

Tiger Woods, a Man Can Change

By Damali Binta Yael On March - 13 - 2010

There is a passage that says "We all fall short of the glory of God." Now is the time for all of those who may fall short by their self-righteousness to rethink their position in a lineup ranking who is the most righteous?

I asked a young man, "How do you define righteousness?" I refused to define it for him. In fact, every man or woman has to seek out the definitions for themselves. We all build our belief systems.

What is righteous to some men and women is what aligns itself with a chosen belief system.

Tiger Woods has to seek out those definitions of "right living" and he has to believe that a man can change.

Although I believe a man can change, there have been several examples of men and women who never gave up their addictions. The only thing that stopped their return to their addiction was the termination caused by death.

One example was a grandmother who loved alcohol. She gave it up for four years. A trauma occurred in her life. She returned to alcohol and it was her last turn in a journey that ended with liver failure.

I know of another grandfather who had a habit. A stroke ended his habit as well as his life...

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