
Local Event Sports Association

The New Generation Of Wrestlers: Are They Drug Free?

By Joe Burgett On August - 13 - 2009

Recently on youtube.com I was watching an old interview with then WWE Superstar Mr. Kennedy. This interview was done right after the Chris Benoit tragedy, about a week or so.

During this time it seemed like every news outlet in America wanted an interview with Vince McMahon and/or his wrestlers. During the interview, Kennedy made a bold statement, he said that he believed the new crop of WWE talent was 100% clean in regards to steroids and prescription drugs.

I was surprised to hear this, but then it made sense. And I'll explain.

Of course as most of us know, Chris Benoit killed his wife and son, then killed himself. This was bad enough, then we found out he had steroids and prescription pain killers in his home.

It was immediately labeled that Roid Rage caused the deaths, and that was not good at all for the WWE. Many already thought the WWE's wrestlers were on them, and this didn't make their denial any easier.

While there are many who have stayed clean until this very day, even those people will always be in question. There have only been a few people die on the WWE's watch, namely Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Curt Hennig.


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