
Local Event Sports Association

The Curious Case of Caster Semenya

By Conant Masocha On August - 24 - 2009

There are men who look like women. Everyone knows that. Everyone.  Ask the countless boys and girls who have been so cruelly teased by their playmates for having deep, throaty voices and pretty, effeminate looks.

Ask Oscar Wilde, who a little over a century ago witnessed Dorian Gray charm the pants off both ladies and men with his effeminate looks and "sensuous lips." 

Or ask South African Jacob Semenya, whose daughter Caster has been 
been relentlessly pursued this week by the Australian and British press with the hope that the 18-year-old may actually turn out to be a man.

Indeed, the scrutiny all week has been unrelenting, the girl’s mind thrashed into an Inquisition and her battered body dragged around the walls of Troy as carrion birds gathered around for leftovers.

But why the apoplexy in the British and Australian press this past week over a girl who, by all intents and purposes, only possesses a more than healthy pair of calves, immense biceps, and absolutely no breasts to speak of?

Why this need to find fault by media and rival athletes over what, according to The Science of Athletics, may yet turn o...

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