
Local Event Sports Association

The Art Of Sport and Music

By Emma On May - 24 - 2009

Sports, art and music; all have much in common.

The drum roll of anticipation as the players wait for their moment to shine. The crescendo of the crowd's roar as they enter into the full view of the stadium.

In tennis—the accented notes of winners, the articulated finesse of a drop shot, the jarring discordancy of an unforced error. The staccato of an overhead smash. The trill of suspense as the stadium holds its breath, waiting to see if the lob will land within the lines.

The ostinato of a basketballer's ball-bounces—rhythmic and constant. The accelerando of a sprinter's feet, moving faster and faster as the finish line approaches.

The cadenza of a concerto, embodied in the footballer's race up the wing, ball at his feet, showing his skill to the world.

The powerful legato of a swimmer's arms through water, propelling their body forward.

The angry shading of a revving car engine, geared up for a race like no other. A round of golf, encapsulated in the peaceful serenity of a watercolour.

Contemporary dance, the Picasso of the sporting world.


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