
Local Event Sports Association

When a man's face is lined deeply, it prompts me to wonder where has he been, what has he accomplished, and how he feels about his life.

The code name for the man above is JCI. He is pensive. He is smart. He shows emotion only during certain, very private circumstances.

I asked to take a picture of JCI in Nov. 2009. He agreed.

The beauty of the picture is the sunlight and how it shines so vividly, enhancing the image of a man, now 66 years old. The beauty in the picture is the inspiration for this article.

The picture touched me, deeply. The first time I took a picture of JCI, after we had absolutely no communication for about 26 years, there was a similar image, with rays of light, and the colors of a rainbow, subdued, yet visible.

It was as though God was telling me to encourage JCI, and others, through my writing.

I have tried to do so.

I write. I take pictures to capture moments like the one shown in the photo. You don't really plan for pictures like these. It just happens by divine timing and arrangement.

The picture profiles a man who has made his mark in history. I, however, veil him in mystery, until the complete st...

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