
Local Event Sports Association

Sports Journalism in an Age of Transition

By Morgan Wick On August - 31 - 2009

This is my first blog post to be republished on Bleacher Report.

Hi! I’m going to bring some quirks to my writing, which I hope to (re-) introduce you to over the next few days and weeks. I just relaunched my Web site, MorganWick.com, where I talk about a wide variety of topics, including some you might never have heard about, and even the topics that are familiar I often talk about from a unique perspective, because I’m constantly thinking about them.

On my site, the motto is “Ideas every day”, and to celebrate the launch of the new site, this is Ideas Every Day week month at MorganWick.com. Because I got the idea for Ideas Every Day week over a month ago, I’m going to start it with some ideas for posts that are not as topical now as they were then.

We are in a period of painful transition in journalism. We are in a period where the Internet is big enough to take a bite out of newspapers but too small to effectively replace them and too young to know what, exactly, will replace them, or how it’ll be paid for.

It’s outside the realm of a single blog post for me to proclaim to have all the ans...

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