
Local Event Sports Association

Sports and the Unimportant: The Sports Statistics

By Glenn Card On May - 28 - 2009

I understand statistics and I also understand how they are used to qualify and quantify the achievements of our favorite sports, teams, players or drivers.

We have sports statistics for everything.

There’s statistics for lap leads for race car drivers as well as average starting pole position.

A baseball pitcher has his necessary ERA statistics.

A boxer is defined not only by his win-loss numbers but also by the rounds he’s boxed and punches he throws as well as his KO wins.

These numbers are accumulated to judge how these athletes compare to their peers. These same athletes either gain admission or are omitted from recognition to the Hall of Fame dedicated to the respective sport based on those numbers.

There’s no denying the accomplishments of some of those athletes—like Billy Jean King, Richard Petty, Arthur Ashe, Dr. J, Emerson Fittipaldi, Nadia Comaneci, which are only a few of the names that litter the record books.

But, what if we didn’t keep count?

There are many of us that follow an athlete based solely on persona. We care not what the numbers say.

I’ve personally hea...

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