
Local Event Sports Association

Ron Artest Is the Whitest Player in the NBA

By Gene Zarnick On November - 17 - 2010

Ron Artest has been called many things.  White is not one of them.

A player who will be remembered for two things that have nothing to do with basketball; one being the immediate gratitude towards his psychiatrist after the NBA Finals Game 7 win last year and the other being the fan melee in the Palace of Auburn Hills.

Artest grew up in the rough neighborhoods of Queensbridge, NY, witnessed a tragic murder at a YMCA, and has produced his own rap album.

He’s controversial and zany; once showing up to a Pacers practice in a robe and during his rookie season he applied for a job at Circuit City just so he could get the employee discount.

Ron Artest has never been considered one of the greatest athletes in the game, yet still always one of the best defenders.  He’s never been considered one of the best behaved athletes, yet still one of the best teammates.  Artest is a character, yet so tough to characterize.

If I asked you to name some of the greatest black basketball players in history you’d tell me names like Michael Jordan, Kobe Brya...

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