
Local Event Sports Association

When I was little, I always remember my grandma, and to a lesser extent my parents, saying something like, “Kids these days,” in a negative tone, showing their displeasure of the direction society is taking.

Now at only nineteen years old, I hear myself saying the same thing sometimes.

My two main jobs both include dealing with children. The first is a hockey and skating instructor, where I usually teach kids anywhere from three to twelve years old. The second is my volunteer job, which is teaching CCD to seventh graders, who are about thirteen or fourteen.

By studying their habits and personality, I find myself asking, just where is society headed?

It’s not just little kids, but people my age and older as well. Brett Bodner, of From Warm-ups to Tuneups , and I were having this conversation just the other night. We can both agree that the old saying is correct, and we are all “going to hell in a hand basket.”

But just where did this all begin? This me-first attitude, where people don’t give a damn about anyone...

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