
Local Event Sports Association

Pete Rose Killed Mario Soto’s Career

By Illya Harrell On August - 25 - 2009

Today is the 20-year anniversary of Pete Rose waking up, knowing he would not drive to the ballpark and manage the Reds. 

What do you think he did that morning? 

My guess: he probably called his bookie, got the morning lines, called him back, and placed some bets.

Still believing he had done nothing wrong during his tenure in the Majors.

If an adult wants to bet on a game, it should be legal.  If they want to marry their pet goat, it should be legal.  Smoke crack?  Sure, have at it buddy.  Just don't expect emergency room treatment after you smoke too much.

Unless a person is harming someone else, I think adults should be allowed to do anything they damn well please.  To me, that is what's known as freedom.

With my personal views on morality now out in the open, Pete Rose should never be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. 


I am a huge Reds fan.  I do believe him when he says he only bet on Reds' games.  I don't give a rat's fat one. 

When you sign on to work in a business, you agree to follow their rules.  But still, that is not my...

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