
Local Event Sports Association

Oakland Raiders Got to Clean Up What They Messed Up

By Damali Binta Yael On July - 29 - 2009

The rhythm was syncopated. The words were simple: "I got to clean up, what I messed up...starting all over again."

I started rocking and rolling in my car, turned the radio up like one of those hip-hop kids who stops at a stop sign and blasts his radio. The radio was so loud, you could feel the vibrations of the bass in the sound system.

An idea came to me—this is exactly the concept we need to share in order to reverse the NFL record of the Oakland Raiders. I felt something special going on.

The topic I was to teach, today, in a college algebra class is connected to the "clean up what I messed up" concept. Let me set up a framework for this discussion.

During the 22 year period the Oakland Raiders were perceived as a dynasty, there certainly was a "formula" to their success. Each component of that formula has to be identified and separated so that the component can be analyzed.

Next, after the variables have been, "separated," there needs to be an assessment of the contribution of each variable or component. Then, as is done in "linear programming," a weight (a type of emphasis) needs to be attached to each variable. ...

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