
Local Event Sports Association

Is there politics in the rule-making in the NFL? Have some of the rules been designed to hinder the Oakland Raiders? Before you say "no", let's look at history.

Let's develop a framework for this discussion.

Framework: An example

Someone wrote me on Bleacher Report and asked what my heritage was. I answered him in a general way, but I emphasized that in America, I am simply an African-American.

Looking at the census mail today, and thinking about the question on ethnicity or race, I know that in earllier history the classifications and rules for placing someone in one category or another were purely political. This type of labeling occurs in America, and it occurred in Germany, according to a German theologian named Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945).

The Power of Changing the Rules

The phenomena of defining something a certain way has destroyed many men, women, and organizations. Is it attempting to hinder the Oakland Raiders?

For example, if you want to destroy the potency of something...

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