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NFL Players Likely To Put Wives to Work During Lockout

By William Russo On March - 12 - 2011

Attention: Ladies!

Watch for more shows on TV like “Football Wives” on VH-1. Already players like Leonard Davis, Ryan Neufeld and Mat McBriar are ahead of the curve. Their wives have been stars of a show and bringing home the bacon for their soon-to-be stay-at-home husbands.

With a football season likely to be canceled, the option for professional football players is to become housekeepers for their working wives.

Many single NFL players will be on the lookout for rich spinsters for a marriage contract during the lockout. Single NFL men are thinking about unionizing before signing with a rich wife.

Women with looks and money will go to the head of the line as linebackers chase down and tackle the women with large pocketbooks. Since NFL players require pampering on a pay scale that dwarfs the paycheck of most ordinary women, the competition will be fierce.

Yes, it may be that eligible men among the NFL’s bachelor circuit may be looking to pick up a paycheck from a well-heeled wife.

NFL players are c...

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