
Local Event Sports Association

New Mini Games in Madden 11

By Nick Cafferky On August - 7 - 2010

SATIRE- With every Madden game, there come several new features and mini-games that gamers can play in addition to the basic play. This year’s crop is the best in years as players get to see yet another dimension of being in the NFL.


Conditioning Tests Mini-Game:

In Franchise mode, force players to run and fail meaningless conditioning tests. For extra points, leak to the press that a pregnant woman could pass the test.

Too simple for you? Try the tests from the other side and see if you can navigate an overweight lineman through shuttle runs and fake a knee injury when you fail.


Roger Goodell Mode:

Ever notice that Roger Goodell seems to wield way more power that a commissioner should? Well, in this game, you have the ability to punish players for altercations that even the police don’t care about. Also, make sure to give preferential treatment to the stars of your league (Ben Roethlisbe...

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