
Local Event Sports Association

If you read this space regularly, you know that I am a loyal Oregon Ducks fan. I don't much care for the USC Trojans. I don't like Lane Kiffin. And I have been known to refer to Matt Barkley as "Blondie" in a manner which could be construed as derogatory.

But last week's news that Barkley is planning a trip to Haiti this summer to lend a hand to their rebuilding effort turned me into a fan of his—at least for one day. The fact that he has convinced 15 of his teammates to go along with him to the earthquake-ravaged country says a great deal about his leadership skills. And it says a great deal about his teammates.

My first—cynical—thought was: "How brilliant to position yourself as a do-gooder for the early Heisman race, Barkley." I'm sure there are many of you USC-haters out there who are thinking the same thing.

Yes, this move by Barkley, his parents, and his teammates has its roots in PR. I don't know if the sports information directo...

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