
Local Event Sports Association

Keeping Up with Your Favorite Teams

By Farrah Kaye On December - 17 - 2009

NASCAR season is from February to November.


Baseball season is from March to October.


Hockey season is from October to June.


It's hard to keep up with all three of my favorite sports and the events that occur in each when you mix in the seasons overlapping, the length of the seasons, the amount of games, and life in general.


So when I was recently watching a Red Wings game and had absolutely no clue who the guy in the goal was, I felt like a failure of a fan. I'm used to Conklin in the goal when Osgood is off. Who is this Howard guy?


I went to my resident Red Wings expert and he explained Conklin went to the Blues in the offseason.


Earlier in the spring I was thoroughly confused seeing Jason Giambi on the Rockies. I had j...

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