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Floyd Landis, former friend of cyclist Lance Armstrong, has once again accused him of cheating.

Landis, in an interview on ABC's "Nightline", once again said that Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs during his career. Landis said Armstrong—his former teammate and friend—transfused his own blood, a banned practice that gives athletes an advantage by increasing their red blood cell count and, therefore, their endurance.

Look, this is nothing new, for athletes have been cheating in all sports since the beginning of time.

Yet the implication that Armstrong was somehow impervious to this cheating is what is so interesting.

For some, it shatters an illusion. For the rest of us, it makes us yawn. If Armstrong hadn't won those races someone else who also cheated would have. Cycling is a sport that is as filthy as the ground they race on, and cheating is the only way to be a champion.

Just as Barry Bonds used steroids to defeat Hank Aaron's home run record, Armstrong resorted to artificial means to make his mark.

Until now, however, any mention of impropriety by Armstrong has been met with severe rebuke. I ought to know, as I ...

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