
Local Event Sports Association

Campfires 101: Six Steps To Building the Perfect Fire

By John Zaktansky On August - 11 - 2009

Building a fire is so easy, even a caveman can do it.

So being in charge of the bonfire at our son’s 19th birthday party earlier this summer seemed a simple enough responsibility.

Until someone was kind enough to remind everyone that the bonfire would be built by a bona fide Eagle Scout. Suddenly, my every move was put under a microscope—from the amount of kindling I gathered to the number of matches I’d need to start the fire.

People were grabbing sticks, hot dogs, and marshmallows as quickly as I wanted to grab some Rolaids.

Of course, the worry was all for nothing. The fire roared to life and the party was a success.

Many are making plans for similar gatherings around the Labor Day holiday and late-summer family camping trips. There is nothing more gratifying than cooking your food over an open fire, and as long as you prepare accordingly, there is no reason to stress about the process of using one of nature’s simplest elements to cook your meals.

Scouts are taught that there are many different ways to build a fire. A log...

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