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Brett Favre appeared on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno Thursday night and the main topic of discussion was, of course, the Minnesota Vikings quarterback’s pending decision on his retirement.

Since Jay was basically forced to resign from "The Tonight Show" a few months ago by NBC and the reigns were handed over to Conan O’Brian, who has subsequently been fired, and then resulted in Leno being asked to come back—the talk show host couldn’t help but poke fun at the back and forth that both he and Favre had gone through.

Leno gave Favre a gold watch for his retirement as balloons and streamers came down wishing the quarterback congratulations.

Favre responded with, “I haven’t made a decision yet.” Leno followed that up with a “One More Year” chant, accompanied by more balloons and streamers.

Favre remains clear on one point: It will be “a while” until he makes a decision on whether or not to return to the NFL. Looks to be yet another long ESPN Favre-filled summer.

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