
Local Event Sports Association

Actually it’s a big goose egg.

Ooohh noooo, and six, but no eggroll goes with it for the Boston Red Sox.

Not since the Stock Market Crash of 1929 has prosperity disappeared so quickly in Red Sox Nation.

Variety announced its famous headline regarding Wall Street, way back when, and you can look it up, as Yogi Berra might say.

But the Red Sox have outdone even Variety, Wall Street and Broadway combined to create a stinkeroo in April.

Teams seldom recover from such a losing streak at the beginning of the season, and if they do recover, it is too little too late.

One unerring fact has emerged. This Beantown Sox group is a dull team, full of beans. There is no spark, no swirl of character. We now see what humorless truly means.

The Red Sox have finally put together a team of workmanlike taskmasters with their noses to the grindstone.

There is not a soul to make them loose or give them a tweak. The pffft you hear is the season pooping out.

Baseball is not fun with t...

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