
Local Event Sports Association

Bleacher Report: My Addiction No More!

By Tim V On May - 25 - 2010

I would like to just start off by saying that if you are interested in a certain team's stats or are looking for someone with a crystal ball, you will not find either of those in this article. What you will find however, is a situation that you might be able to relate to. My apologies if you realized after the first two sentences that this is not about if Favre is coming back or where Lebron is going to play and you no longer wish to continue reading.

For those of you that do, I just came across something that gave me an equivalent emotion to say, finding out how much that plumber is going to charge you for something that only took 20 minutes.

I just happened to look at my B/R account and seen that I had 2,265 article reads. Now you might say, "well whats wrong with that?" Well the problem is I have only been a member since February of this year. So in four months, I had close to 2,300 article reads. That equals to 18 or so reads a DAY! But wait there is more.

Whats worse, it was not like an even amount from day one. Progressively, I logged into B/R more and more as those four months started to pass. The thing about it though is that...

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