
Local Event Sports Association

Top 10 Ugliest Uniforms in Sports Today

By Greg Riot On October - 30 - 2009

It’s almost Halloween but for some teams every day is Halloween because for some teams scary happens whenever they put on a uniform.

You know the type of uniform that I’m talking about, right?  The type that makes you change the channel if you have a regular television or scratch your eyes out if you have an HD set?  Yep.  That type of uniform.

Well, here’s the list of the Top 10 Worst Uniforms in Sports today.  Anybody can go back and check out the Denver Nuggets skyline atrocity of the 1980’s, but finding the worst uniforms of today isn’t easy.

Believe it or not, the marketing department for most college and pro teams has gotten much savvier today than in the past.  They know what people like.  They know what’s ugly and what’s not, but mistakes do happen and the 10 below are mistakes.  Some are newer mistakes.  Some are traditional mistakes, but they’re all mistakes because nobody would create these things on purpose.

Let’s get to it!

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