
Local Event Sports Association

Twitter Adding to Changing NFL Landscape

By Anthony Brown On June - 3 - 2009
These new technologies start out on the fringe as solutions looking for problems. Then they sneak up on you.

Twitter crossed that bar from the province of teenagers and the empty headed—not necessarily the same people who post vain and vapid microblogs of their action at a given moment.

Then Michael Lombardi put me straight. The former Oakland Raider front-office executive who now writes for The National Football Post tweets.

Tweeting is the act of posting a 140 character entry on Twitter.

When Twitter was new and experimental, folks, like me, posted under a screen name…that whole “names were changed to protect the foolish” thing.

No one was sure how the posts might be used…against you. Caution was advised.
But Lombardi tweets under his own name and as a front for The National Football Post. That’s different. That’s legitimacy.
Eyes now opened, I noticed that others on Twitter are posting under their true identities.

Players agent Drew Rosenhaus tweets, as do his Redskin clients Devin Thomas and Rocky McIntosh and others.

From Rosenhaus’ tweet today, “The Redskins are one of the best teams to work with – they want to win.” 

Sports Illustrated writer Peter King tweets.

Local newspapers covering the Washington Redskins, New York Giants and Dallas Cowboys tweet.

NFL players Larry Fitzgerald, Champ Bailey, TJ Houshmandzadeh, Terrell Owens (25,499 followers), Chris Cooley, Mark Sanchez, Eli Manning (sorta) tweet.

Even the NFL tweets.

The media tweets to shill stories that link back to the web site where value is created—and revenue captured.

The players are mostly in the “what are you doing now” mode. Champ Bailey, 11:33 a.m., May 28, “it sucks when potato chip bags are half full!”

The fact that Twitter has attracted real people who tweet under their real names says there’s a sea change for the platform.

Twitter has evolved from plaything to source material rivaling Google’s RSS feed. Google feeds stories based on a single topic. Twitter feeds microblogs by a single, now verifiable, author.  

Ninety days ago, you didn’t take Twitter seriously. Today, if you aren’t checking Twitter, you aren’t taken seriously.

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