The Michael Vick halftime show is coming to an end. At 8 pm tonight in Philadelphia, the second half of his career will begin.
It was two years ago this month that Vick pleaded guilty to felony charges of dog fighting. In November of that same year Vick entered prison to begin serving a 23-month sentence.
Now Vick has come full circle and will once again step onto the grand stage of the NFL.
This moment has been in the planning since the day details of this heinous crime were made public.
While the details of this case made headlines on every media outlet, those headlines also competed with the speculation of how, when and where Vick would return to the NFL.
It is often the case where crimes committed by professional athletes are overshadowed by something more important: what the future holds, if convicted, and how soon the individual can return to their beloved sport.
We will never know if Vick pulled a dogs teeth, slammed a dog to the ground until death, or hung one upside down inside a bucket of water. T...
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