
Local Event Sports Association

Top Ten Most Aggravating ESPN Analysts

By Colin Means On August - 7 - 2009

You know those days when all you wanna do is grab a cold drink, sit down, and flip on the tube to ESPN?

You know how agonizing it can be to turn on ESPN right when someone who “pushes your buttons” just so happens to be relaying his uninformed analysis to America?

Well I’ve broken down the most aggravating ESPN analysts, and formed the “Top Ten Most Aggravating ESPN Analysts.”

Consider this a watch list for future encounters.

10. Stephen A. Smith

So Smith may have been “let go” by ESPN back in May, but he still earns the last spot.  Stephen A. Smith just might be the most aggravating person to listen to, but it’s his aggravatingness that draws you in.  And don’t lie, once Smith starts running his mouth it’s hard to not stay tuned.

9. Chris Berman

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the Swami’s presence.  On Sunday Night NFL Countdown, that is.  When it comes to baseball, Boomer would not be my number one choice for color commentary.  Too often does he betray is baseball ignorance, and who can for...

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