Re-aired on July 29, 2010, ESPN’s Outside the Lines presented a story over a longstanding debate between metal bats and wood bats. The original story aired June 11, 2010 on OTL.
Bjorn Sandberg’s near deadly encounter with a ball rocketed off of a metal bat added fuel to the fire. Sandberg himself was fortunate. He lived to tell the tale.
Statements on the way a baseball jumps off of a metal bat compared to those cracking against a wood bat have long been at war with each other. Think about that for a few seconds. Is there an error in misguided common sense or are we flat out naïve?
In comparison, the aluminum bat’s sweet spot respond the same as a wood bat’s sweet spot on one condition. The wood bat is hollowed out and corked. As a result, the sweet spot of the wood bat heavily replicates the trampoline effect as metal bats used today.
The evolution of baseball constantly changes the longer an individual plays. So what’s the point?
Baseball gradually escalates into a high risk high reward game due to its competitively intense will to win in addition to the dream of pl...
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