
Local Event Sports Association

Track and Field: “Turf Wars” Good For The Sport

By Rojo Grande On July - 2 - 2010

Lately I've noticed a subtle, yet steady escalation of good, old-fashioned "homerism" in my daily Track and Field readings.

Whenever an American track meet of national (or international) scope comes around, like ants on honey, the banter begins as to which venue is best.

Randal Tyson or Gilliam. Icahn Stadium or Franklin Field.

Indianapolis or Sacramento. Eugene or Des Moines.

I've even engaged in the fray myself.

Things reached a new level mid-week as Ken Goe's deft volley was answered by Lance Bergeson's swift return.

And then, a neutral judgement by "referee" Elliot Denman.

I must say, even with the excitement of the recent NCAA and USA Championships and Saturday's...

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